What I learnt from RBG’s History-Shaping Marriage of Equals

Meg He
2 min readSep 22, 2020


Judge Ruth Bader Ginsburg, then a Supreme Court nominee, is greeted by her husband, Martin, as she introduced her family during her confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington on July 20, 1993. John Duricka — AP/REX/Shutterstock

A few years ago, I read about Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s shared earning / shared parenting marriage with her husband Martin. It struck me, a millennial, as somewhat revolutionary — that both the participants in a relationship could take responsibility for earning a substantial contribution to the family’s income, as well as both identifying as primary parents to children, their childcare AND…



Meg He

Entrepreneur and athlete. Co-CEO of ADAY. Brazilian jiu jitsu competitor. Forbes 30 under 30. British-Chinese. www.meghe.com